iNewParadigm - Latest Posts - 15th of October 2024

Hands-off: How the FDA facilitates the poisoning of America’s food supply

-By News Staff 


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was established to protect Americans from dangerous, unsanitary, or harmful ingredients in both medicines and food.  While the FDA plays a modest role in reducing foodborne illnesses, banning unsafe additives, and ensuring companies comply with certain guidelines, its regulatory framework has significant flaws, to say the least.


The problem lies in the fact that the FDA allows companies to conduct their own research to determine the safety of ingredients in their products.  This means that although the FDA sets standards for what qualifies as GRAS, or “generally regarded as safe” ingredients, food manufacturers are often left to police themselves, classifying their own ingredients under this category without independent oversight… see more

Sunlight and Health
Book Summary: The Healing Sun, Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century


“Skin cancers are by far the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States, so to prevent them, the public is constantly told to avoid the sun. However, while the relatively benign skin cancers are caused by sun exposure, the ones responsible for most skin cancer deaths are due to a lack of sunlight.”—A Midwestern Doctor, Dermatology’s Disastrous War Against The Sun, April 2024


With the quote above in mind, along with other relevant quotes from various sources, Unbekoming thought it was time to review and summarise the important book about sunlight ‘The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century’ (2000) by Richard Hobday… see more

Off-Grid Living
Off-grid living: A boon for the wealthy, a burden for the rest?


How would you like to never have another electric bill? Advances in technology have made it possible for some consumers to disconnect from the power grid — a move that was once only available to the ultra-wealthy who could afford the associated costs, or survivalists willing to trade convenience for freedom. This is no longer the case.


A recent study I coauthored with energy researcher Seyyed Ali Sadat reveals that the balance of economics has shifted and now many families may be better off financially by cutting ties to the grid. However, this might not be a good thing for everyone… see more

children's school lunches
Dumbing them down: Toxic heavy metals and pesticides found in children’s school lunches

-By Cassie B. 


Testing carried out by ABC News has revealed that the school lunches served to children in Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland contain shocking amounts of toxic heavy metals such as lead, along with dozens of pesticides.


The testing was carried out by the accredited independent lab The Health Research Institute, whose chief scientist and CEO, John Fagan, called the findings “pretty shocking.” Some of the foods tested by the lab included potatoes, fruit, pizza and breadsticks… see more

“This is HAARP on steroids” Whistleblower reveals MASSIVE weather machine at South Pole | Redacted
Mass Immigration
Irish Elites are Slowly Conceding That Mass Immigration is Damaging for the Nation

Ireland’s population surged due to immigration by more than 180,000, a 3.5% increase, in 2023, and the many downsides are becoming impossible even for liberal Dublin elites to ignore, says Michael Murphy in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt.


The Government can no longer gloss over the downsides of mass migration. Simon Harris, the Taoiseach, recently conceded that rising homelessness was related to the influx of migrants arriving without homes. 

This bombshell observation caused a stir; see more

"climate emergency"
Biden-Harris administration could make a last-minute power grab by declaring a “climate emergency”


Could the Biden-Harris administration use climate change as an excuse to make a last-minute power grab and appeal to climate-minded voters as his presidential term comes to a close?


It’s an option that has been on the table for quite some time. The administration previously considered making a similar emergency declaration when clean energy legislation negotiations stalled. And just days after Biden’s inauguration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on him to declare a climate emergency. More recently… see more

“WARNING: A Complete FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN Is Next” – Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed
Trapped in Victimhood?
Are You Trapped in Victimhood? Uncover the Signs


Guest Writer for Wake Up World


Victim consciousness: Are you finding yourself in any of the following situations?


– Not getting recognition for something.

– Getting no response at all in seeking to develop a relationship.

– Where you conclude that you are not loved or not loved enough.

– Where you don’t consider yourself to be of any real worth.

– Or not deserving.

– Been wrongly accused of something… -See more

What Doctors won’t tell you about chemotherapy

-By Vernon Coleman


It’s obvious the so-called ‘War on Cancer’ has failed. The use of chemotherapy in cancer treatment is limited in its effectiveness and kills many.


Why is it still used? The cancer industry focuses on profit over effective treatments.


Take aspirin for example. At low doses, aspirin helps cancer patients. Studies involving one million patients with 18 different cancers showed aspirin reduced mortality by 21%.  Sadly, many oncologists and cancer charities are unduly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry and see no value in persuading patients to take aspirin… see more

Weather Wars – FEMA – and Equitable Mass Murder
Reese Report
5 evidence-based benefits of meditation, plus tips on how to start today based on the research


Meditation has been popularized lately, with dozens of new mindfulness apps coming out aimed to help you establish a meditation practice and learn new mindfulness strategies.  However, the practice has been around for thousands of years – for good reason.


In fact, there are many health benefits associated with the regular practice of meditation.  What’s even more exciting is that these benefits can be relatively long-lasting, as recent research from the University of California Davis indicates.


How committing to a meditation practice can maximize brain function – with as much as a 7+ year carryover effect… see more

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