The Spring Equinox - A Time to Open Your Heart for Peace

Spring equinox

As a race we are currently going through monumental changes. During this transitory period there is much upheaval on multiple levels. As a counter-measure it is essential that we defend our consciousness, find inner peace to help us navigate through these challenging times. -The spring equinox is an opportunity to do just that. 


The 20th of March 2025 marks the spring equinox (aka the ‘1st day of spring’ or ‘vernal equinox’) for the northern hemisphere. It denotes a time when night and day are more or less equal as the sun is precisely above Earth’s equator. 


-There is also a spiritual significance. In line with mother nature, originally, it was a focus of attention on the feminine principle; an awakening of the goddess. The goddess behind the sun’s light has a number of names. The equinox is attributed to the goddess Sophia. There are other forms where she has been known as Ishtar (star) having the Easter connections, Freyja and Anunitu… 


Thus, the spring equinox marks a turning point. A triumph of the returning light over darkness as the days start to grow longer.  

The term equinox is derived from the Latin terms aequus and nox, meaning ‘equal’ and ‘night’ respectively. While the ‘physical sun’ is responsible for the equinox, there’s also an ‘invisible sun’ that works in conjunction.


This is where we come into it. Whether it’s as an individual or on the collective level, the spring equinox, the start of the returning light is an invitation for us pay homage to our own ‘invisible sun,’ our inner light, during the gathering to mark this occasion and time of year.


The message in the equinox is to realize that from the darkest times during winter comes the light! In retrospect we must not let the darkness overwhelm us. As in a number of different circumstances, the most difficult, challenging times serve as catalysts for our own personal growth or transformation as a race.  

This is why it’s important to go within and focus on our inner light. 


As the spring breaks out, with a focus on your inner light, literally or metaphorically speaking, what seeds could you plant that will blossom out into something really worth while or even great?  


Heart coherence


The equinox is an opportunity to re-affirm our intention for creating peace by tapping into our heart coherence. That means, thinking, acting, feeling and coming from the heart.


Choosing to live your life in a high vibratory state must involve doing your inner work. It has been said that in this high vibratory state, you have made it to the promised land of the 5D experience! How well can you keep this 5D experience going?


As a product of doing your inner work, you have effectively released the energetic weight of your traumas through healing and training. You have overcome knee-jerk reactions, having gained greater control of your emotions: Essentially, you run your mind rather than have it running you.


-That’s quite an achievement when compared to many people. Maintaining balance is key. A balance between your work and personal life, while bringing peace harmony…


There is a Buddhist statement that goes in the way of “The source of suffering is desire.” Consider this in relation to so many people who spend their time suffering, going into their dramas over things they desire but cannot have, living their lives focused on the 5-sense, 3D material wants and desires. Forever tail-chasing that related dangling carrot…


Some have not grown up, even as adults they still have the child’s notion: “I want therefore I should have.” And when I don’t get it, I resent that… Plenty of “loosh energy” from anger, frustration, bitter disappointment, despair, or even helplessness there for the Archons to extract and feed off in their Matrix of control.


Acting the grown up and growing as a 5D heart-based individual means choosing to live a life based on “having what you have,”  NOT “having what you don’t have.“ 


In conclusion


The equinox marks the triumph of light over darkness. It’s no coincidence that we see nature waking up. As nature starts to wake up again you too can bloom and blossom! 


Utilizing the sun in conjunction with your internal heart light (inner light) is an opportunity for bringing in peace as you navigate the solar. Now’s the time to get in touch with your soul’s yearnings as new inspirations start to emerge. 


This is a time for meditation to reflect on your inner world to maintain peace and emotional balance. 


Maybe this is also a time to start a journal to write down: 


*What areas could you develop more balance. 

*Have you been putting off something that needs dealing with? 

*What are your priorities? What are your intentions…? 

*How committed are you to success?

*What energies do you have that could be more aligned with your personal effectiveness…?

Now’s the time to a make fresh start to plant those seeds (literal or metaphorical).




When we make the conscious decision to connect ourselves with nature’s cycles, having the necessary level of awareness, we get a more profound understanding of our personal growth.


In love, peace and light.