For most part, to really get something out of life it means ‘escaping your comfort zone.’ No longer playing the nine year old how prepared are you to go outside of your comfort zone? What could you do to escape this for a life that’s nurturing and fulfilling..? I ask you to consider this right now.
Before choosing something specific in your life that could bring you satisfaction and achievement the first thing to realize is that we humans are indeed creatures of habit but this could be holding you back from doing something new.
Whether it’s at the micro-level with DNA to maintain our bodies the same physical way or at the macro-level in our social behavioural patterns… life is designed to keep things in continuity for us. However, the best approach for us in planning a life that’s fulfilling is to see things as an opportunity for creating something that disrupts that continuity of our lives to stop us merely acting out of habit… and the ‘same old same old…’ This is where the magic starts.
So look at what needs to be planned. What do you intend to achieve? What are the conditions of satisfaction..? Try and be as specific and measurable as possible. Avoid getting caught up in distraction, stopping you from carrying out the plans and actions that need to be taken along the way to achieving fulfilment.
-The ball is in your court. It’s now up to you!