Starting at 4 years old (and what could be a better age to start a mass indoctrination) then by the time an individual comes out of the education system, some 12 years plus on, they would have had more than their fair share of programming and brainwashing, unable to really think for themselves.
–As Einstein said, ‘real thinking is to think the unthinkable.’
Any genuine outside-of-the-box thinking having significant humanitarian or mother Earth friendly benefit, if pursued, may well be ignored, quashed, ridiculed or suppressed by the influence of those hidden controllers if it is perceived as a threat to any of their businesses:
Unsung Heroes
Here’s a list of just some of history’s truly great humanitarian outside-of-the-box thinkers with their innovative ideas/products that have never been able to see the light of day due to the above reasons.
I bet you never studied these ‘taboo subjects’ in your formal education training: