How Enlightened Are You? Do These 11 Questions Describe You?


How Enlightened Are You? In recent years, especially with increasing communication technologies and more readily available information, there’s been a rise in the number of people doing self-growth courses and the related learning. Whether it comes from online seminars, through discussion groups, websites, social media outlets, personal gurus of sorts, meditation classes, therapy, or books… more and more are readily choosing the pathway of enlightenment! 


In spite of the enlightened state arising from the many different disciplines the effects or common denominators that manifest have been said to be basically the same.


This is not an attempt to make a full list but here are my 11 questions to find out if you consider yourself to be an enlightened person. 

Maybe it all started with you having doubts over what’s really going on in the world: Some start off with having doubts in a subject area of interest, such as healthcare.


All in all, in retrospect, when it came to official explanations of so many things, you at least began with having a deep intuitive knowing that something was seriously not right.


So here’s the question.


  1. Has your quest for obtaining truth been fueled by a growing, stronger sense of doubt?


After all, as 16th to 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes said: “Doubt is the origin of wisdom.”  Here’s an excellent article by Gary ‘Z’ McGee explaining why doubt is so essential for the spiritually enlightened and their ongoing enlightenment.


  1. In your broader-minded and spiritually enlightened state, are you more motivated and courageously willing to confront things? For examples, you’re more willing to challenge people’s points of view or be more willing to take on new things?  


-Consider this from the point of view of you having a greater willingness to escape your comfort zone.


  1. Although you now have a greater awareness of the world, you don’t really feel like you’re a part of it?


In effect, you feel like while you’re immersed in worldly matters, things need to be dealt with, but with that greater, broader viewpoint, you recognize that ultimately, who you really are is an observer. In other words, ‘you’re part of it but not of it.’


  1. Are you clearer on what you want to achieve in life and have a greater sense of purpose?


Time wasting is now an even lesser option. You value your targets for achievement greater; like enhancing your spirituality, developing your relationships and furthering other skills in your quest to be whole, fulfilled and complete.     


  1. Do you find that you no longer want to be with certain people, some you’ve know for a long time in your life, but because they don’t reflect the new enlightened you, disconnection is the only option?


They may be regarded as negative people, or quite simply company you no longer want to be with. For the spiritually enlightened disconnection may sometimes be one of the hardest things.


  1. Do you have a greater realization that responsibility is not something to shrug, but embrace? 


One of my golden statements in life is “I am responsible.” Check out the other golden statements for handling life effectively here.


  1. Does your health mean more to you now than ever?


You’ve become more aware of the importance of having regular good nutrition, getting frequent exercise, avoiding toxins, handling stress, maybe practicing yoga or meditation as you pragmatically focus more on your attitude for health and well-being.


  1. Do you find yourself questioning more?


You have a greater want for knowledge, not just what may be regarded as meaningless facts, but really questioning things with regards to the world about you. You’re less likely to believe what the general consensus is on things and also challenge what authorities tell you… 


Remember, live life as an enquiry: Question everything as questions are answers.


  1. Have you gained a stronger sense of identity in so much you have a greater idea of the realization that your individuality is your biggest strength? 


The key to becoming spiritually enlightened lies in your true self-identity. This cannot be overstressed.


  1. Do you generally appreciate your life more than you have before?


Having been enlightened you’re more likely to express the attitude of gratitude. Your idea of a real good time doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot of money, living in luxury…, getting well-immersed and gratified by materialism… because you can find enjoyment in the simpler or finer things in life.


  1. Do you have a stronger sense of the spiritual?


Many spiritually enlightened people say they feel closer to God, have a greater sense of unconditional love and want to help others more. -It’s to do with your higher vibration.


There are 3 components making up the enlightened individual, having a higher vibratory elevated state of being:


In no particular order, having a higher vibration means 1. Coming from the place of unconditional love, 2. To live a life with high integrity and 3. To be authentic with others and your own self.


-Like I said, this is not the complete A-Z list questioning how enlightened you have become, but it certainly does give at least some indication in your quest for enlightenment.


-In love, peace and light.