How Focussing On The Negative Can Produce Life Transformation!

Life Transformation!

It always amuses me when I hear people labelling something as ‘negative’ with all its connotations.


As if the negative is something to be ignored or dismissed, do these people, especially some of those new agers, think that negative things will all go away if ignored? That by only focussing on the positive will bring about a complete transformation turnaround? What about the old adage, what you resist will persist…?


No. Labelling, invalidating or dismissing something merely as negative may mean that you have missed the point: For example, if I told you that your kitchen is on fire, would you then turn to me and say something in the way of “Oh, you’re talking so negatively. I was happy until now…” Of course you wouldn’t say something so absurd.

In other words, when not facing the negative, it’s not only a failure to understand that this may serve as a warning, something to pay heed to, but ultimately, isn’t this also a form abdicating responsibility, a cop-out?


These people don’t have the realization that if they were willing to confront the related aspects  this could be the platform for a turnaround; life transformation!


For Life Transformation!


-The point I’m making here is that many things going on in the world related to unfairness, injustice, greed-driven self-interests, spoon-fed lies and deception… will continue until humanity seriously focuses on the related inhumanity to do something about it.


Many of these things have got this way because of people’s stand down behaviour, ignorance and apathy… As the saying goes, in so many words; the world’s full of danger and the most dangerous people are those who sit and do nothing about it.


This situation is further confounded when there are so many who have no idea, that nothing in the world is as it seems. That’s because they have been programmed and brainwashed to believe so many untruths. Indeed, these people seriously need to start thinking for themselves.     


In spite of the “tin-foil hat unhinged conspiracy theorist” unjust accusations no longer having their affect in trying to dumb down the masses, as so many of these theorists have been proven to be right on many occasions, there is still so much blatant suppression and cover-up of the truth.


It’s not just a case of getting off one’s backside, escaping the comfort zone, thinking outside of the box, but also a discerning ability is needed and to listen to the heart, then take action. Find solutions. Mainly, solutions that protect you, your familly, friends and community groups. Life transformation evolves through transforming from victim to victor!


Deep inside you have an inner voice coming from your inner being. When this inner voice talks to you it says “do something with your life…” That intuitive inner voice can be quite specific, related to, say, doing things that contribute to others, making a complete turn around in relation to those so-named negative connotations; unfairness, injustice, greed, lies and deception…


The pathway to peace involves taking responsibility and responsible action. Any truth-seeker must no longer be afraid of what others say, not look for popularity, especially from those still stuck on the old mindset. Sometimes, this may mean burning bridges with a number of acquaintances who will never see eye-to-eye with you. -Sometimes, a most difficult step for those of us in our state of awakening…


No matter what you say to some acquaintances, they will never awaken. If this is the case then you just have to accept these people. Their pathway in life is not the same as yours.


Any truth-seeker must also realize that the goal is to question everything. Living life as an inquiry means forever returning to the question to get answers over and over… This is the key to transformation, in a quest to exit the open-air lunatic asylum we live in…


The same above principle applies in relationships. A sudden realization of the negative and a willingness to confront is an opportunity for making the necessary changes for a turnaround. Indeed, a life transformation! Communication is key: If in doubt, talk it out.

Negativity is just an interpretation of what’s occurring out there for you. Negativity either controls you or you control it. Given certain situations, which one will it be for you? How do you assess a situation without becoming the overwhelming effect of it?


Further, do things have to be perceived as negative? No, you have a choice. Choice is part of what makes you human. In many cases, you have the choice of, instead of instead perceiving something as negative, get it on the level that everything is just the way it IS.


“Is-ness” is the key: Ultimately there is no such thing as positive or negative. Everything is just is the way it is. This observer mode viewpoint can put you in an empowering way of being.




I’ve said it before, and I won’t get tired of saying it again and again, there has to be a massive shift in world-wide awareness for global transformation to happen. This shift has to have the necessary accompanying change in human bevaviour.