Cancer research headed by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment has a motto that goes “cancer together we’ll beat it” or words to that effect. This comes with a proviso: In order to beat cancer a never-ending funding stream is needed from the public. Lots and lots of funding in fact.
In spite of this funding over the recent decades gone by, there has been an overall rise in cancer incidents/deaths. Especially in the last 5 roughly years. (Hint: Consider the elephant in the room. That major event that occurred in 2020 and the so-called medication that followed…)
Therefore, cancer research, headed by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, still hasn’t come up with a real effective solution. It has been said that this monumental failure is due to the greed/profit driven allopathic model by which its approach to dealing with cancer is based on.
-Having no intention of ever finding a cure as it would stand to loose huge revenues.
Further, there has been much accusation over the funding. Significant amounts of cancer charity donations have been siphoned off and misappropriated: Funds have gone to line the pockets of executives who have become wealthy from these cancer donations. Therefore, cancer charities have become money making scams, based on cynically manipulating well-meaning donors into the hopium dangling carrot, that one day a cure will be found.
If the cancer establishment had any genuine welfare concerns then they would have to look beyond their current paradigm approach. Is a more holistic approach really needed? Many people seem to think so for a number of reasons. Some would go further and say that certain holistic approaches have been looked into and found to be highly effective. There is much evidence to support this claim…
-Consider this from Rupert Sheldrake’s perspective where he broached the subject of mechanistic medicine and the need for a new scientific paradigm.
However, the cancer establishment have not only ignored this, but also unjustly ridiculed it. For example, google “Gerson Therapy” and you will find the cancer establishment dissing it with much criticism. However when looking at alternative viewpoints there are many people having good things to say about Gerson Therapy.
In retrospect of the above, here are my 10 questions to challenge the cancer research establishment.
This not intended to be construed as medical advice. For medical advice you should consult a related healthcare professional at all times. However, it is hoped that in light of these 10 questions the reader will do their own diligent research.