Recently I saw a movie that’s been out for some years (since 1997) called the ‘Cube.’ It’s a sci-fi horror thriller where 7 characters all strangers wake up with no recollection of how they find themselves in a strange never-ending hi-tech Kafkaesque-like maze.
It doesn’t take long to realize that the slightest movement in certain places could set off deadly booby-traps for the characters. With little means of escape the movie progresses with unpredictable nerve-stretching intrigue…
The Cube’s purpose, who constructed it and how the characters got there, was never given. There have been many quite differing interpretations or attempts to explain it.
I couldn’t help comparing it to planet Saturn’s related occult symbolism and not without reason… see more
It has been said by some that anyone who rejects reincarnation has either not really looked into the subject, not experienced it, or is in a state of denial, possibly because of religious or other dogmatic beliefs.
Some might say, that’s a shame, because, if people knew that reincarnation is real then they would no longer have a fear of dying. Knowing that no such place as hell exists because instead of going there they live on in other bodies lifetime over lifetime.
It has also been said that the only hell that really exists is the one created in one’s mind… Further, there’s no longer having the fear of dying and not existing… see more
Self-identity, the way you see yourself in given circumstances can mean the difference between getting into a state of overwhelming fear or transformational empowerment.
These two different states depend on your identification with either the false or true self.
-The choice you make between the two depends on your perception of reality. In other words, perception creates reality.
False self-identity… see more
Biggest forms of enslavement on humanity? -Now that’s a question seldom asked but has much significance.
-Answer: The monetary system and religion.
Both are massively entrenched in deception which is the basis of how the enslavement on humanity works: In many ways, the more attached to either the more immersed one becomes in illusion… I’m sure you’ve heard it said ‘It’s a mad world’. Indeed, it is a mad world and in many ways connections to money and religion have been the causes.
Both were invented by the hidden powers that be about 5,000 years ago in the first ever known cities such as Babylon, Mesopotamia and Nineveh in ancient Sumer. Basically, the invention of the monetary system has enslaved humanity on the physical level, while religion has enslaved on the spiritual level stultifying genuine spiritual growth… see more
The HIV test in, for example, the USA costs on average around $48 for an HIV negative and $64 as a preliminary positive. If found HIV test positive the drugs for AIDS treatment that follows can mount to something well over $60,000 per patient each year or around $490,045 for lifetime treatment as in the ‘most favorable scenario.’
Therefore, if the HIV laboratory test method is greatly flawed and unreliable then it brings into question the validity of the HIV test kits and follow-on AIDS anti-viral drugs as well as the integrity of the pharmaceutical companies as they stand to make huge profits.
There are a number of common patterns that suggest that in retrospect, HIV and AIDS was just one of a number of false flag diseases.
Is the HIV test based on fraud? Let’s look at the evidence… more
As the New Year advances, whether as unique individuals or acting collectively, how do we plant our seeds of light, assuring growth and manifestation? In other words, how do we go about creating a real humanitarian future, a world that makes a difference for everyone?
A real future based on creativity; new paradigm ideas, different behavioral patterns and viewpoints that will take us away from the darkness, as those seeds of light rise above ground-level, sprout and metamaphose into the light before our very eyes?
(Note: A real future: Not one that is merely a future based on the past, but a future based on the future).
What are the qualities needed to create this? How do we create the necessary space? -See more
When it comes to choosing drinks, learning to discern those that are healthy from unhealthy for maintaining good health may not be the easiest of tasks at times. Clever enticing advertising, or even bad science, or deceptive marketing may be used to cover up a multitude of potential health risks associated with a number of drinks, as advertisers tempt you into buying.
Take, for examples, the cases of soda and sugary drinks.
Some frequent and long-term consumers of another type of drink may not even be aware any associated health risks. I’m referring to the health risks associated with energy drinks: See more
More and more people are realizing that the world/universe we live in is a simulation, but we don’t have to be eternally entrapped here. We have a choice. It has been said by a number of spiritualist practitioners that with dedication we can escape the controlling Matrix and its limitations! For more on this, how to reclaim your rightful freedom as a spiritual sovereign being, read on.
The simulation – This simulation or illusion works on the same principles as a computer: Our consciousness (‘software’) is uploaded into a human biological physical body computer (‘hardware’) as a unit to engage in the world/universe simulation. As humans we believe that this existence in the simulation is real… see more
Choosing the vibrational shift towards a more heart-based consciousness, connecting with spirit, is the centrally-important key towards dispelling the deceptive, imprisoning, controlling matrix. Before going into this, how it becomes your ticket to freedom, first, let’s take a look at the heart.
The heart goes beyond an organ that pumps blood around the body.
Indeed, the heart has been used in many descriptions. For examples, there’s kind-hearted for caring, cold-hearted for callousness, half-hearted when we don’t put our full effort into trying to achieve something, big heart for generosity, a change of heart for choosing a different direction in life…, we have the St. Valentine’s Day red heart symbolizing love… of course the list goes on. -Why all this colorful symbolic spiced-up language for an organ that merely pumps blood around the body?! -See more
For many, the current war on our gender identity, targeting both males and females, has received much scoffing condemnation, considered to be based on a patently twisted and illogical ideology.
However, as Joe Biden’s leaves the oval office, one of his parting gifts to the United States people and the rest of the world is an agreed upon UN (United Nations) treaty that looks set to criminalize those opposing gender ideology… -See more
As with cholesterol, we can now see the wilful ignorance demonstrated by cardiac medicine in not dealing with the root cause of heart disease, which is diet. Because the focus is on treating the symptoms rather than the cause there have been differences of opinion on how to deal with heart disease and what can be done to stop the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.
I shall briefly hone in on the cholesterol theories. Then I will expose some of the massive deceptions behind the mobilisation of the cholesterol lowering drugs, statins, with the mind-boggling facts and figures for you to get your teeth into!
The 7 myths on cholesterol… see more
-By Paul A. Philips
Are we living in an illusion? The illusory nature of reality has to be understood or we may never gain any real insight from our human experience. Remember, an insight allows us to achieve something which would have not been possible had we not got that insight. How many know this? How many can apply this understanding that we are living in an illusion which can be put to good use? Does the illusion use you or do you use the illusion?
-In reflection, here is some compelling evidence showing that we are living in an illusion. Consider the implications! -See more