When it comes to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) most people have no idea what this means. That beggars belief when considering the potentially dire consequences for we-the-people in our everyday lives if these goals are achieved.
Under the guidance of the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs these 17 SDG’s, to be achieved by 2030, look quite uplifting for humanity. For examples, who wouldn’t want to have a world without hunger, no poverty, have food security and global health, reduced inequalities, affordable and clean energy… see more
-By Paul A. Philips
Truth warrior and scientist Eric Dollard knows a few things about going against the wishes of the powers that be and the scientific establishment when it comes to their suppression of alternative technology such as that pioneered from Nikola Tesla.
Having recreated all the essential pioneering innovative work of Nikola Tesla Eric has experienced ensuing opposition from the powers that be.
To maintain the stranglehold on humanity through their business monopolies the powers that be have prevented the alternative technology from getting the humanitarian recognition it deserves:
If put into effect its far greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency than today’s energy supply would set the whole world free… see more
As a race we are currently going through monumental changes. During this transitory period there is much upheaval on multiple levels. As a counter-measure it is essential that we defend our consciousness, find inner peace to help us navigate through these challenging times. -The spring equinox is an opportunity to do just that.
…the spring equinox marks a turning point. A triumph of the returning light over darkness as the days start to grow longer…
We live in a world filled with deception and there couldn’t be more willful deceptive spin than that put out by the world’s leading technocrats. The spin is aimed at convincing us that their new technologies are greatly beneficial.
In assertive statements, they’re making outright claims that their new technologies are convenient, secure, ‘safe and effective,’ time-saving, health-promoting, life-saving, good for society, transforming human ability, enhancing, innovating with all the bravura for a Brave New World…
However, these claims may not only be false, but could also lead us off the metaphorical cliff and down into a dark and deep precipice if we buy into them… see more
Anyone who follows a religion should be respected for that. As part of a society that allows the right to freedom of expression anyone is indeed entitled to have and express their religious beliefs. Further, those with religious differences can peacefully accept differing points of view from others. We can ‘agree to disagree.’
However, it has been said by some that religions are nothing more than mass mind control programs, that there’s is a far bigger picture involved that most people can’t see, which I will explain… see more
…cancer research, headed by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment, still hasn’t come up with a real effective solution. It has been said that this monumental failure is due to the greed/profit driven allopathic model by which its approach to dealing with cancer is based on.
-Having no intention of ever finding a cure as it would stand to loose huge revenues.
Further, there has been much accusation over the funding….
How Enlightened Are You? In recent years, especially with increasing communication technologies and more readily available information, there’s been a rise in the number of people doing self-growth courses and the related learning. Whether it comes from online seminars, through discussion groups, websites, social media outlets, personal gurus of sorts, meditation classes, therapy, or books… more and more are readily choosing the pathway of enlightenment!
In spite of the enlightened state arising from the many different disciplines the effects or common denominators that manifest have been said to be basically the same… see more
The epitomization of insanity in this insane world is exemplified by the extent to which the globalists will go to try and keep our consciousness confined to living in an existential bubble through manipulating our perceptions while undermining our hard-earned freedoms.
As their spellbinding dystopic antihuman agendas ensue, many know that their results are far from 100% effective on us: Consider the backdrop; our growing world-wide spiritual awakening…
It always amuses me when I hear people labelling something as ‘negative’ with all its connotations.
As if the negative is something to be ignored or dismissed, do these people, especially some of those new agers, think that negative things will all go away if ignored? That by only focussing on the positive will bring about a complete transformation turnaround? What about the old adage, what you resist will persist…?
Revolution in consciousness: Given a megaphone with a platform to stand on and an engaging audience there are 3 words I would love to holler: “Consciousness is everything..!” in a talk to inspire possibility…
It has been said in so many words that ‘universal consciousness underpins every aspect of reality.’ Let me explain what this implies and then go on with how universal consciousness can be used to create world peace like we’ve never known before.
First of all, ask yourself “What is life?” -See more
Video – Dr Robert Malone: Japan Warns New Covid Replicon Vaccines Are ‘Third Atomic Bomb’
As explained by Dr. Robert Malone in the video, not so long ago, 30,000 Japanese citizens took to the streets in Tokyo to protest the planned rollout of a new self-replicating nanotech Covid-19 so-called vaccine. Prominent related healthcare professionals in Japan issued warnings describing this new replicon “vaccine” as the ‘third atomic bomb.’
In spite of the mass protests the vaccine Industrial Complex perpetrators are set to defy these protesters: The Japanese MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare) gave approval to the proposed ARCT-154 vaccine rollout… see more
Recently I saw a movie that’s been out for some years (since 1997) called the ‘Cube.’ It’s a sci-fi horror thriller where 7 characters all strangers wake up with no recollection of how they find themselves in a strange never-ending hi-tech Kafkaesque-like maze.
It doesn’t take long to realize that the slightest movement in certain places could set off deadly booby-traps for the characters. With little means of escape the movie progresses with unpredictable nerve-stretching intrigue…
The Cube’s purpose, who constructed it and how the characters got there, was never given. There have been many quite differing interpretations or attempts to explain it.
I couldn’t help comparing it to planet Saturn’s related occult symbolism and not without reason… see more