The Great Pyramid of Giza has many mysteries. The same can be said about the moon. Contrary to popular viewpoint, the moon is not what many think it is. Separate to the alleged fake moon landing, there are number of interesting, creditable theories surrounding its existence. In short, creditable evidence from meticulous research shows the moon to be a fascinating enigma.
-In relation to this, here are 20 questions about the moon showing that its existence makes it a fascinating enigma.
Theories include:
The capture theory – Puts forward the idea that the moon, as it was drifting by, finally ended up near the Earth due to the Earth’s gravitational pull. However, this theory doesn’t stand up and has been dismissed as highly, highly improbable.
The accretion theory – Earth and the moon coincidently formed in proximity with each other from dust clouds during the beginning of the solar system’s formation. However, the accretion theory is unable to stand up to scrutiny because the Moon doesn’t have the same or similar material composition as Earth. Nor does it spin on an axis like Earth.
Then there’s the fission hypothesis – The idea that due to high velocity spin the newly formed Earth ejected a large rock from an ocean. This large rock then flung out into space and went on to form the moon. However, rock samples from the moon indicate a much older age rock than Earth’s.
The giant impact or whack theory – Puts forward the idea that a massive object collided into Earth. The debris from the collision eventually coalesced forming the Earth/Moon orientation, but it has been said that the chances of this happening are infinitesimal.
-There are other theories that scientists cannot agree upon.
5.Following on from 4, considering the many years of impacts how is it that the moon dust surrounding the rocks has a vastly different chemical composition?
-These rare isotopes can only be created in labs on Earth!
-NASA’s Dr. Gordon MacDonald: “It would seem that the moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere.”
When objects hit the moon’s surface (shock waves), the moon “rang like a bell” (echoing) quite for some time, as seismic recordings were made of this event… Then there were magnetic field measurements, supporting the suggestion of a hollow-shell moon.
10.However, suggestions of a hollow structure have been dismissed by some scientists who claim that the moon’ “rang like a bell” only because the moon is extremely dry and far less dense than Earth, but has this really been proven to be the case?
As with the idea of the ‘centre of the Earth’ theory, the ‘centre of the moon’ needs more knowledge and understanding. So, any outright claims that the moon is not hollow is conjecture.
-Following on:
For example, on and off, over the last century, half a dozen astute astronomers have documented the existence of glowing mists above the Plato Crater alone…
12. Did you know that the moon, unlike others moons in our solar system, has a perfectly circular orbit?
-The moon is drifting further away from Earth as the eclipses become less perfect.
-Remember this is only a legend (myth) and real evidence is needed to support this claim.
This has been dubbed Transient Lunar Phenomena.
Further, there have been claims of artificial structures on the surface: Claims of, for examples, mile-high towers, pyramids and photographic evidence of unnaturally occurring symmetrical structures… Evidence for this has been given by people like Sergeant Karl Wolfe who worked in the US Air Force and had collected moon images…
-if you want us to believe what you’re saying about the moon, then prove it to us.
In an earlier article I put forward a number of questions challenging what I consider to be the highly flawed official account that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a burial ground for Khufu (aka Cheops) a 4th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh 2600 BC. Remember, this claim is an unproven hypothesis).
Besides my earlier article, this current piece further challenges the official account by asking:
Was the Great Pyramid of Giza a power plant, as put forward by a number of researchers? -See more