Will A Revolution in Consciousness Be the Pathway to World Peace?

consciousness revolution

Revolution in consciousness: Given a megaphone with a platform to stand on and an engaging audience there are 3 words I would love to holler: “Consciousness is everything..!” in a talk to inspire possibility… 


It has been said in so many words that ‘universal consciousness underpins every aspect of reality.’ Let me explain what this implies and then go on with how universal consciousness can be used to create world peace like we’ve never known before. 


First of all, ask yourself “What is life?”


-Now allow me to answer for you by saying life is biology. Seems a reasonable answer to me. Okay, you might respond by asking “…but what is biology?” Biology is biochemistry. Biochemistry is that which props up and underpins biology and biological functioning, indeed, allowing all of life to exist. 

However, we could further hone in on how life exists by asking “…but what underpins biochemistry?” The answer is chemistry. Is chemistry everything? No! We dig down deeper again by asking “… but what underpins chemistry?” Physics underpins chemistry. Stay with me this is going somewhere. Carrying on in the questioning, we could then say, that which underpins physics is energy. 


-All things are energy. All things have frequency and vibration. It’s important to know this to enhance our spitituality and well-being.


However, we haven’t quite hit the bottom. Yes, you may well have already got what I’m getting at: I’ll return to my statement at the beginning. “Conscious is everything.” -That which underpins all of life and existence is consciousness. Consciousness causes energetic manifestation.


Thus, all in all, circumstances in our physical world are manifestations that reflect where we’re consciously at: Put another way, our outer world is a projection of our inner world.  


Crisis – a necessary tipping point?


For most part, we know that basically human beings are creatures of habit lazily preferring to maintain the status quo in their lives. Many choose to do nothing when threats are anticipated, preferring to remain distracted…


However, when these unheeded threats turn into dire straits, the related circumstances screaming out “crisis,” finally action is taken. So a crisis may not be such a bad thing, as it causes action to be taken, resulting in solutions during a shift in consciousness.


-Time and time again, history has shown us this: How a revolutionary shift in consciousness and humanitarian breakthrough would never have happened had it not been for a crisis. A crisis may serve as a catalyst for our awakening, which in turn can manifest different circumstances that will take us well away from the otherwise doom and gloom. 


Dynamic consciousness          


Consciousness is naturally dynamic and forever changing. That’s another reason why nothing ever stays the same. Whether we go through dire straits as individuals due to our own personal circumstances in life, or if the world’s ruling classes end up achieving their intended total New World Order global fascist dictatorship, ALL will eventually pass. 


Further, another reason why nothing stays the same is the cyclical behavior underpinning the nature of reality. Consider this from the point-of-view of the yugas and their related cycles. For example, no matter how much the world’s ruling classes want the status quo to remain, so that they can maintain the stranglehold they have on us, things will change.


Defending our consciousness


The world’s ruling classes know only too well that the biggest threat that they face to their control over us is our shift in our changing mass consciousness, which could potentially bring in world peace and transformation.


Given that freedom and sovereignty depends on our consciousness we must defend it at all costs.


Threats to and the overwhelming control over our consciousness include:


* Microchipping technology

* Nano-bot technology – used under the guise of “medical treatment” and also the deployment of aero-sprayed chemicals.

* Integrating us into the controlling A.I. hive mind

* Close surveillance

* DNA modification technology


*Mainstream media as a tool for controlling the general consensus through distraction, lies, coverups, disinformation, programming and brainwashing…


…the list used to suppress and control our consciousness goes on.


-All of which are transhumanism related, seriously threatening our humanity and spirituality.


For a significant contribution to our advancement as a race and world peace science needs to overcome its greatest stumbling block by accepting that universal undivided consciousness does exist. It is not something that can be dismissed by saying it’s only an illusion caused merely by activity in our brains. 


When science embraces consciousness and spirituality, which are one of the same, we’ll have an unprecedented revolution in science and technology… Just you wait; we could then go on to have this planet well and truly licked! 


-As conscious co-creators, this is the opportunity we have for creating the pathway to world peace. At least as a means of alleviating so much suffering in the world. It’s the only real pathway. The is choice ours by dint of our shift in consciousness: Yes, as spoken by Jimi Hendrix, in so many words, the power of love can overcome the love of power… 


A revolution in consciousness has to be counted on as the pathway to world peace!


It is up to all of us.