The vast gulf between what’s really happening in the world compared to what we’re getting told still unrelentingly persists. In relation to this, there’s the continued use of Orwellian euphemisms.
Orwellian: The use of words as euphemisms, inoffensive synonyms, anodyne bureaucratic jargon and political correctness… serve to socially manipulate the masses into passivity. Terminology is a favourite for the world stage political con artists knowing they can cover up their ulterior motives with confusing words.
As with the old, we now also get a number of new confusing euphemisms used to try and turn a real cause for concern into a non-issue. –More specifically, euphemisms are one of a number of ways by which the world’s controlling architects maintain and consolidate the status quo for their convenience, while wielding enormous influence…
Currently, global governence with its related power structure is undergoing monumental changes. Essentially, the transition involves moving away from a corrupt democratic effrontary with all its political theatre of illusion, to an AI-controlling technocracy care of a tiny handful of Silicone valley billionaires.
Not confined to the USA, the technocratic agenda with its algorithmic governance has potentially devastating world-wide implications, enslavement on we-the-people like we’ve never had before, if allowed to run unimpededly.
Once again, the Hegelian dialect; problem, reaction, solution is at work to progress this agenda:
The masses are inflicted with problems from secretly manufactured chaos by those in high places.
Insistence on change and reform is the reaction from the masses.
The solution based on change and reform offered by those in high places is willingly accepted by the masses. Those in high places knew that their offered solution would be accepted and will allow them to make huge gains, which is why they secretly caused the problem to begin with.
In other words, hiding the planned oppression, given fake choices between a corrupt/broken political system versus a misleadingly appealing AI system has been designed to con the masses into giving their acceptance to the offered technocratic AI-controlling agenda, a digital prison camp in disguise.
Those euphemisms keep on coming
Thus, the Orwellian euphemisms lexicon now extends itself into technocracy associated language. Here are some examples:
“Corporate dictatorship” = “startup society”
“Total surveillance” = “digital community”
“Forced compliance” = “opt-in governance”
“Social control” = “community standards”
-The above bolded terms, used to gloss over the their true meaning, were presented in a Ted Talk by Balaji Srinivasan.
His ideas related to “Network States” are influenced by San francisco based programmer Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) who, as an essayist, put forward a philosophy that envisions a failed/broken democratic system getting replaced by thousands of areas (nations) ran by corporations.
Democracy gives way to CEO dictatorship, where each area is made up of citizen customers. Each area would be governed under the juristriction of its own joint-stock corporation. All done under algorithmic control, there would be no consideration for residents’ and their opinions.
-For details go to this highly recommended inciteful video by Makia Freeman, covering an excellent article by Erik Wikstrom.
Trump the Tool to Implement Technocracy – Video #192 – TheFreedomArticles
As disturbingly revealed by Edward Snowden some years ago spying on citizens has become standard practice used by USA officials and their western world allies.
For example, the release of a report by the UK’s intelligence and security committee on GCHQ’s activities confirms that millions of citizens are having their communications and virtual footprint monitored and filed away.
So consequently, consistent with the Orwellian scenario, ‘Mass Surveillance’ has become ‘Bulk Collection.’ The authorities maintain that the information has only been collected for storage purposes. But it has been said that this is misleading since the information can be used on citizens at the authorities’ discretion to which they hold no accountability.
Invasion of privacy and its deliberately distorted Orwellian language has built up quite a repertoire. A bill advanced by the US Senate Intelligence Committee using the sugar coated name ‘cyber security information sharing-act’ has been criticized for potentially allowing corporations into spying on internet users and pass on the activity to the NSA (National Security Agency US government).
The Orwellian euphemisms lexicon further extends itself into military associated language. ‘Abducting and relocating a suspected terrorist’ has become the somewhat confusing ‘extraordinary renditions’ while with US prisoners ‘Torture’ is ‘Enhanced Interrogation.’
Then there’s the one where it has been said that the ‘bombing of certain countries’ has changed to ‘spreading western democracy.’ What this really meant was orchestrated changes to the regime allowing the USA to enlarge their domination…
Then you have it in environmental terms ‘Wasteland’ is ‘landfill,’ or as the late George Carlin said in so many words the Pentagon ‘nuclear measurement’ is ‘sunshine units…!’
In conclusion
Using ‘word games’ by way of Orwellian euphemisms as a deceit strategy to spin objectionable circumstances is yet another ploy used to restrict our freedom.
Those in the know understanding the ulterior motives need to spread the word to others. Keep the real meaning alive by saying at every opportunity what the euphemisms really mean; ‘Mass Surveillance’ is ‘Bulk Collection…etc….’ Shout it out, whatever it takes… The tyrants cannot be allowed to take away our freedoms.